Connecting graduate students in artificial intelligence


The goal of the Artificial Intelligence Graduate Student Association (AIGSA) at Oregon State University is to connect current, former, and affiliated AI graduate students of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and any other graduate students working in the space of Artificial Intelligence. Contact us at


How do I join?

  1. Follow this link to Ideal-Logic and log in with your OSU credentials
  2. Fill out and submit the “New Membership” form that opens post-login
  3. Wait for an email from AIGSA that an officer has approved your membership request
  4. Come chat with us on Discord!

Interest Groups

Application Support (AIASP) - Open for Fall ‘24

In the Fall 2022 application cycle, we launched the Artificial Intelligence Application Support Program (AIASP), a service run by volunteer graduate students in our school to assist folks historically underrepresented in the field as they apply to AI graduate programs (M.S./Ph.D.) at OSU! You can find more info here.

Reading Group: Abstractions in Decision Making

Discover the power of abstractions in decision making!

Join our reading group as we delve into state and action abstractions in both discrete and continuous spaces. We will explore topics such as bisimulation metrics, homomorphisms, and options frameworks. We also have exciting invited talks planned from experts in the field.

We will have our reading groups on Thursdays from 5-6 PM with food provided.

Tentative Schedule

More info can be found in the AIGSA Discord Channel #abstractions-in-decision-making.

Event Schedule